Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Links, 1-24-12

Last night's debate saw Romney more aggressively attacking Gingrich for his past activities, including accusations that Gingrich lobbied and had to resign as speaker.  Unlike the SC debates, moderator Brian Williams asked the crowd to remain silent -- which Gingrich said he wouldn't "allow" in the future.  Here are 5 things we learned from the debate.

Meanwhile, Gingrich's surge in the polls continues -- he's now the favorite to win in Florida and is ahead of Romney in the latest national polling.

Romney released his taxes from 2010, and estimated taxes from 2011, at midnight last night, as first reported by the Washington Post.  In 2010, Romney paid taxes equal to 13.9% of his income (which exceeded $20 million).

Here's a look ahead to Obama's State of the Union speech tonight, which is expected to frame his argument for re-election.

Frank Bruni writes about Gingrich's rhetoric, arguing that he's currently proving wrong a strategist's maxim that "a politician could succeed with his zipper down, but not with his words unbridled".

Conservative columnist David Brooks takes both parties to task, arguing that we need to mix "More economic freedom combined with more social structure; more competition combined with more support" in a sort of "free-market socialism" that would be "libertarian in the capitalist sector and activist in the human capital sector".

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