Thursday, January 19, 2012

Links, 1-19-12

A couple of days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney was going to cruise to victory in the Republican primaries, but now they're in a bit more flux.  First, after re-checking the ballots, Rick Santorum was declared the winner of the Iowa Caucuses.  Then, Rick Perry dropped out and endorsed Newt Gingrich.

A few minutes later, ABC News announced they would air an interview with Gingrich's second wife, in which she later alleged that he asked to have an open marriage shortly after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis -- an allegation that led to an explosive response from Gingrich to lead off tonight's Republican debate.  Meanwhile, Gingrich and Romney are tied in the latest 538 South Carolina primary projections.

Mitt Romney ruffled some feathers when stated that he paid only about 15% in federal income taxes despite his vast wealth, but David Leonhardt points out that even though most Americans think they pay more than 15% in federal income taxes, only about 1/3 actually do.

Ron Paul returned to Congress to cast a symbolic vote against raising the debt ceiling, and CNN spoke to many of his colleagues -- a number of whom say Paul "doesn't have many fans in Congress"

Nate Silver examines some survey results and points out that there's no much evidence that the majority of Republican primary voters want "anybody but Romney"

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