Friday, March 16, 2012

Health Care Links

Here's an interesting piece by former Bush writer David Frum, who argues that Health Care is the Republican Party's Waterloo (he was subsequently let go by the American Enterprise Institute).

Here's the latest on Accountable Care Organizations.  And here's a brief overview and a brief on the issue

Here's a WSJ op-ed arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional.  Here's one economist's explanation why people can't fire their insurance companies like Mitt Romney would like them to.  And here's another discussion of adverse risk selection, health insurance, and used car sales

Here's a thorough breakdown of how America's health spending compares to other countries and what we can do about it.  Here's a shorter news article comparing costs in the US to other countries with some nifty charts.  And here's one economist's take on what the US can learn from other countries' health care systems

Here's more on the history of public responses to the expansion of the social safety net

Here's a conservative call for universal access to health care

Finally, here's a compilation of a lot of other articles on health policy issues

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