Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Links, 11-29-11

Herman Cain's woes continue.  His drop in the poll has coincided with a stream of women coming forth to claim he sexually harassed them, and now one is claiming she carried out an extramarital affair with Cain for a number of years.

Today's "Room for Debate" topic: Should Legislation Protect the Obese?

The Chevy Volt is being investigated after batteries burst into flames on two different cars while undergoing government testing.  Chevy is offering worried owners loaner cars while the investigation continues.

Newt Gingrich is now leading in the polls, but Mitt Romney continues to dominate the race for endorsements.

Here's a really interesting piece 60 Minutes did last week on Grover Norquist and "The Pledge"

In case you missed it, the deficit panel failed to reach a compromise . . . and nobody can agree why

Here's a thought-provoking (and intensely detailed) chart depicting how much money we spend on a wide variety of activities

A lot of felons can't vote (in NM and IA, almost one-quarter of African-American men can't vote because of their criminal record), but many are able to own guns

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