Friday, March 25, 2011

More Poverty Policy Links

This magazine issue includes articles about: physiological stress and the achievement-income gap, poverty and childhood development, and some policies that can combat these problems

Here's the article we discussed in class on Wednesday on the distribution of wealth in the US (it's quite short)

A NYT debate: should we care about rising wealth inequality?

A lot of millionaires don't feel all that rich

Unlike federal income taxes, lower-income workers pay a higher percentage of their income to state taxes than do higher-income workers.  Tennessee has one of the highest ratios.

Paul Krugman writes that we seem to have forgotten about the unemployed in our current political battles

here's a long essay on which kinds of income inequality might matter and which kinds might not

here are a whole bunch of charts on poverty and inequality: some are useful and some are not

here's an interactive graph that explores changes in income inequality over time

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