Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today's Links

-CBS Moneywatch breaks down the winners and losers of the health care reform

-The health care bill may or may not do many things depending on whom you ask, but one thing it certainly does is reduce inequality -- some argue this makes it the first major piece of social legislation to be passed in four decades

-California has a money saving idea: release people from prison

-TN thought about making it slightly more difficult for passengers to drink while being driven, but the bill stalled out yet again

-Secretary of Education Arne Duncan may have a scandal on his hands.  Seems like while he was superintendent of Chicago schools that his office kept a list of powerful people who asked for their kids to be placed in certain schools.  His former aides say they only kept the list to keep a record of all requests and increase transparency . . . not everybody believes that to be the case.  Many students on the list weren't admitted to the school about which they asked -- former Gov. Rod Blagojevich made a request on behalf of one student, and the note on the subsequent action taken simply reads "STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE."

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